Recordo que ens van ensenyar a fer llet merengada a l'escola, justament per preparar una fira de sant Ponç. Jo devia tenir uns vuit anyets i ens van fer escriure la recepta en un full. Em va fer gràcia trobar-lo (gràcies a ma mare que ho guarda tot), així que el vaig escannejar i el vaig fer servir per fer el full d'aquesta recepta :)
I remember that in primary school I learnt how to cook 'meringued milk' (that's an automatic translation of the name 'llet merengada' :P). It was for a food & drink market that we made in the schoolyard. I was, more or less, eight years old and the teacher made me write de recipe in a paper, so I could do it also at home. It was tender for me to find it again (thanks to my mum, that keeps all this stuff), so I decided to digitalise it and put it in this scrapbook sheet.
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