Heus aquí la recepta de la coca. Uns ingredients que han passat per generacions i generacions i ens ha arribat a ma germana i a mi... Per fer-la, vaig aprofitar la foto d'un pastís que li vaig fer a un amic de la feina que complia 30 anys (d'aquí les tres espelmes i la pilota que representa el zero). Com que és un fanàtic del futbol, el vaig decorar amb lacasitos (això va ser abans que descobrís l'apassionant molt dels colorants, per aquest motiu sembla més un camp de terra). Per motius de falta de gust a l'hora d'escollir un equip, vaig obviar qualsevol esment al club que ell segueix (que comença per 'real' i acaba per 'adrid') i, per contra, sense voler se'm van aliniar alguns lacasitos vermells amb uns de blaus. Coses que passen quan els poses a l'atzar... :P
Here you have my cake recipe. It has passed through generation to generation and it has been taught to my sister and me. For the picture, I've put a photograph of a cake that I cooked for a friend for his 30 birthday (that's why it has three candles and a chocolat ball that means the zero). As he is a football fan, I decorate the cake as if it was a football field (I hadn't discovered the world of food artificial colours, for this reason it looks like a dirt pitch). Because of his lack of taste in deciding which is the best football team in the world, (he's a follower of a team that begins for 'real' and ends for 'madrid'), I didn't make any mention to it. But fate decreted that some blue chocolat pills were next to red chocolat pills (Barça!)...
coca / cake
Etiquetes de comentaris:
scrapbooking receptes recipes coca cake
llet merengada / 'meringued milk'
Recordo que ens van ensenyar a fer llet merengada a l'escola, justament per preparar una fira de sant Ponç. Jo devia tenir uns vuit anyets i ens van fer escriure la recepta en un full. Em va fer gràcia trobar-lo (gràcies a ma mare que ho guarda tot), així que el vaig escannejar i el vaig fer servir per fer el full d'aquesta recepta :)
I remember that in primary school I learnt how to cook 'meringued milk' (that's an automatic translation of the name 'llet merengada' :P). It was for a food & drink market that we made in the schoolyard. I was, more or less, eight years old and the teacher made me write de recipe in a paper, so I could do it also at home. It was tender for me to find it again (thanks to my mum, that keeps all this stuff), so I decided to digitalise it and put it in this scrapbook sheet.
Etiquetes de comentaris:
scrapbooking recepta llet merengada
què hi ha rere la persiana trencada? / What's behind the broken blind?
persiana trencada / broken blind
He de deixar que la llum entri a la meva vida... però ho dic literalment! La persiana de la meva habitació està trencada des de fa temps i aquella cambra és fosca, fosca...
I have to let light enter into my life... but I mean literally! The blind of my room broke some months ago and now it is the reign of darkness.
I have to let light enter into my life... but I mean literally! The blind of my room broke some months ago and now it is the reign of darkness.
new look
Amb aquest muntatge que vaig fer de l'eclipsi de lluna, celebro el nou look del blog. Com que estic molt ocupada amb la feina i estudiant anglès (estic fent un intensiu), tinc molt poc temps per a les meves coses. Per això, només puc penjar un mosaïc de fotos del darrer eclipsi de lluna.
Here there is the new look of my blog. As I'm now very busy with my work and studying English (I'm doing an intensive course), I have little time for crafts. Unluckily, I just can draw sketches in my notebook :( For this reason, I just can upload a mosaic made of photos that I took during the last lunar eclipse.
Here there is the new look of my blog. As I'm now very busy with my work and studying English (I'm doing an intensive course), I have little time for crafts. Unluckily, I just can draw sketches in my notebook :( For this reason, I just can upload a mosaic made of photos that I took during the last lunar eclipse.
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