
coca / cake

Heus aquí la recepta de la coca. Uns ingredients que han passat per generacions i generacions i ens ha arribat a ma germana i a mi... Per fer-la, vaig aprofitar la foto d'un pastís que li vaig fer a un amic de la feina que complia 30 anys (d'aquí les tres espelmes i la pilota que representa el zero). Com que és un fanàtic del futbol, el vaig decorar amb lacasitos (això va ser abans que descobrís l'apassionant molt dels colorants, per aquest motiu sembla més un camp de terra). Per motius de falta de gust a l'hora d'escollir un equip, vaig obviar qualsevol esment al club que ell segueix (que comença per 'real' i acaba per 'adrid') i, per contra, sense voler se'm van aliniar alguns lacasitos vermells amb uns de blaus. Coses que passen quan els poses a l'atzar... :P

Here you have my cake recipe. It has passed through generation to generation and it has been taught to my sister and me. For the picture, I've put a photograph of a cake that I cooked for a friend for his 30 birthday (that's why it has three candles and a chocolat ball that means the zero). As he is a football fan, I  decorate the cake as if it was a football field (I hadn't discovered the world of food artificial colours, for this reason it looks like a dirt pitch). Because of his lack of taste in deciding which is the best football team in the world, (he's a follower of a team that begins for 'real' and ends for 'madrid'), I didn't make any mention to it. But fate decreted that some blue chocolat pills were next to red chocolat pills (Barça!)...